IoT Pricing & Data Plans
Flexible and Transparent Pricing for Your IoT Needs
Commercial Flexibility
Trafalgar Wireless aims to develop long term partnerships with our clients, providing long term business benefit and value. Naturally, key to this is to provide highly reliable services for a very reasonable price, coupled with concierge customer service.
But in addition to this, our goal is to be flexible and easy to do business with:
Pricing model
We offer a simple pricing model, with no hidden fees. Some of our competitors offer an attractive initial price, but then like to charge extra for service options which you might have assumed would be included. For example, portal fees, API fees, activation fees, suspension fees. We don’t charge for any of these, they are included.
No Restrictions
Some of our competitors will throttle your use of their service, sometimes without telling you. We don’t restrict your use of our service.
Flexibility and Value
Rather than seeking to tie our clients into long-term contracts, we aim to maximize the longevity of our engagement through the provision of first-class performance, service, and value for money. The minimum contacted period is just one month.
Dynamic IoT Data Plans
One of the most popular IoT Data Plans is the Dynamic Pooled Data Plan. With this type of plan, a fixed pool of data is shared across multiple devices:
- Shared Data Pool
- Dynamic Allocation
- Flexible Usage
- Management Tools
- Cost Savings
Pay As You Use IoT Data Plans
With some applications – particularly new ones – it is not immediately clear how much data the device will consume. Alternatively, there may be a collection of devices which consume unpredictable amounts of data.
In such cases, rather than trying to predict how much data will be used across the entire pool of devices, it is often most economic to use a ‘Pay As You Use’ IoT Data Plan, at least to begin with.
As the name suggests, the bulk – but not all – of the cost is charged per MB. There is an additional fixed monthly charger per SIM, since the network must allocate network resources for that line regardless of whether you use it:
- Usage-Based Billing
- Flexibility
- Monitoring and Control
Trafalgar Wireless offer tools that allow customers to monitor their data usage, often in real-time, and set usage alerts or limits to avoid unexpected charges.
- Potential Cost Savings
Consider a situation where you need to ship a device to a customer, but you have no visibility or control of when they might start using that device. Or, alternatively, a situation where you need to send some SIMs/eSIMs to your device manufacturer for them to be loaded into the devices.
In either situation, you might want to ensure that the device is ready for use when it finally arrives with your customer. This would mean activating the SIM/eSIM before shipping. However, this would also mean starting to pay charges for the use of an IoT Data Plan as soon as the SIM/eSIM is activated.
There would be a period during which you are paying for the connection, but unable to pass this cost on to your customer.
Trafalgar Wireless solves this problem by offering a pre-activation service option with many products. This allows you to activate a SIM for use and use a small amount of data without charge. This works as follows:
- The IoT Data Plan is allocated a small number of free kilobytes of data, per SIM/eSIM.
- Each SIM/eSIM using that IoT Data Plan can be ‘pre-activated’, so that it is registered in the network and ready for use, without any charges starting.
- The pre-defined number of kilobytes of free data can be used to test that the connection is working properly.
- Billing commences only once that pre-defined number of kilobytes is consumed and exceeded. At this point, the SIM/eSIM becomes fully Active. This approach saves money and allows you to test a SIM/eSIM for correct activation before being shipped.
Terms and Conditions
You can download a copy of Trafalgar Wireless’s Terms and Conditions of Sale by clicking the button below. This document outlines the detailed terms and conditions governing our sales and services.